Dongfeng EQ5250GJBF type concrete mixer truck
【主要技术参数】The main technical parameters |
产品商标 The product trademark |
东风牌 Dongfeng brand |
产品名称 Product name |
EQ5250GJBF型混凝土搅拌运输车 EQ5250GJBF type concrete mixer truck |
总质量(Kg) GVW |
24900 |
罐体容积(m3) Tank volume (M3) |
5.52 |
额定载质量(Kg) Rated loading capacity |
11805 |
外形尺寸(mm) Overall dimensions |
8700×2500×3760 |
整备质量(Kg) Mass in working order |
12900 |
驾驶室准乘人数(人) The cab has a capacity (person) |
3 |
接近角/离去角(°) Approach / departure angle (DEG) |
34/15,34/13 |
前悬/后悬(mm) F/R mounting |
1250/2300,1250/2850 |
轴数The number of axles |
3 |
轴距(mm) Whell base |
3500+1250 |
轴荷(Kg) The axle load (Kg) |
7000/17900(并装双轴)(and biaxial loading) |
*高车速(Km/h) The maximum speed (Km/h) |
85 |
搅拌容积5.52立方米。整车外形长度尺寸、接近角/离去角及前悬/后悬一一对应。护栏材质:Q235-A,与车架螺栓连接。后部防护断面尺寸(高×宽)为110×55 (mm),离地高度540mm。该车已安装具有##定位功能的行驶记录仪。(尺寸参数的变化对质量参数的变化影响小于3%,忽略不计。) The mixing volume of 5.52 cubic meters. The vehicle shape length size, angle of approach / departure angle and front suspension / rear one one corresponding. The fence material: Q235-A, connected with the frame bolt. At the back of the protective section size (height * width) of 110 x 55 (mm), from the ground level 540mm. The car has been installed running recorder with satellite positioning function. (change in dimensions of variation of parameters on the quality parameters of the effect is less than 3%, negligible. ) |
【底盘技术参数】[Chassis technical parameters] |
底盘型号 Chassis model |
EQ1250GFJ3 |
底盘名称 The chassis name |
载货汽车底盘(二类) 载货汽车底盘(二类)Truck chassis (class of two) |
商标名称 |
东风牌 |
生产企业 |
东风汽车公司 |
外形尺寸(mm) |
Overall dimensions 7500,7565×2470×2740 |
轮胎数 Number of tire |
6 |
接近角/离去角(°) Approach / departure angle (DEG) |
35/36,38/36 |
轮胎规格 Tire specifications |
Tire specification 12.5R20 |
钢板弹簧片数Number of spring steel |
10/12 |
前轮距(mm) F track base |
1916 |
燃料种类Fuel |
Diesel oil柴油 |
后轮距(mm) R track base |
1876/1876 |
排放标准 Emission standard |
GB17691-2005国Ⅳ,GB3847-2005 GB17691-2005 China IV, GB3847-2005 |
发动机型号 |
发动机生产企业 |
排量(ml) |
功率(Kw) |
Engine type ISDe185 40 |
东风康明斯发动机有限公司Dongfeng Cummins Engine Co., Ltd. |
Exhaust 6700 |
Hp 136 |
Introduction of concrete stirring transport vehicle structure and working principle:
1.Schematic diagram of the vehicle structure:
My company concrete stirring transport vehicle is additionally provided with a special device based on two type chassis on the converted, the vehicle structure is composed of three parts (the following chart)
1. Chassis 2. Hydraulic system 3. Waterway system 4.frame 5.Stirring device 6.Control system 7.The feed hopper 8. Hopper 9.The lifting device 10.The main channel 11.Side groove
Concrete mixing transport vehicle using the main vehicle transmission power take power. A force taking device function is through the manipulation of power taking switch will be removed by the engine power, the hydraulic system to drive the mixing drum, stirring drum positive rotation in the feed and transportation process, in order to feed and to concrete mixing, reverse rotation during discharging, work in the end is cut off after connected with a power engine.
Concrete mixing use of transport vehicle:
Concrete mixer is mainly used to transport concrete blender good concrete or mortar to the construction site, the mixing tank of concrete mixing truck is the adjustable rotary stirring, therefore the concrete with mixer car transport can maximally ensure the regulations of transport distance and time no segregation, coarse aggregate sedimentation, maintain good workability.
Concrete mixer used for mixing station and large engineering construction business. Must be equipped with can make the tank car free through and elevated receiving mixing station (machine).
In addition, concrete mixer truck and a piggyback uses are capable of carrying and loading concrete equivalent square amount of water.
:底盘采用东风DFS5160GLJ,底盘外形尺寸长7500mm、宽2470mm、高2740mm。(注:底盘外形尺寸不等于上装后的搅拌车尺寸)。驱动型式:6×6,平头一排半军绿色驾驶室,整体式动力转向机,东风康明斯发动机185马力,发动机型式:六缸、直列、水冷、四冲程、增压柴油机,底盘(总质量(Kg):16500、整备质量(Kg) :5900)。轴距(mm) :3500+1250,韶齿六档机械式变速箱,气动机械式分动器、带高低速,前桥:4.1吨级前桥,中、后桥:4.4吨级东风单级减速双后桥,轮胎:12.5R20钢丝子午线越野花纹加宽型轮胎,气压:公路——450kpa 越野——350kpa,车架断面尺寸(mm) :250×80×12(6+6), :燃油箱(L) :350 。按需方要求上装3立方搅拌罐,搅拌罐体采用6mm厚锰钢材质制作。液压泵、 减速机、散热器为国产件,镇江牌液压马达。 车辆外贸出口由需方自己安排有资质的出口公司,供方配合为出口公司提供相关的文件资料、机动车发票手续。