供应80ZMD-20FL输送KI磁力泵 65ZMD-32F异戊醛变频磁力泵
供应80ZMD-20FL输送KI磁力泵 65ZMD-32F异戊醛变频磁力泵4/606/644/1578446606_" 4/506/644/1578446605_" 4/406/644/1578446604_" 80ZMD-20FL输送KI磁力泵 65ZMD-32F异戊醛变频磁力泵结构小巧,JD防漏,在各个行业广泛应用,以其耐腐蚀性和耐用性而得到广大用户的赞誉。主要材质使用GFRPP、PVDF,可以用来输送多种腐蚀性的液体。MP(MD)、MP(MD)-F系列因其结构小巧,非常适合用作照相冲洗、电镀设备、PCB设备的液体循环。The MP(MD), MP(MD)-F series magnetic pump has a compact structure and leakproof, which is widely applied in various industries and spoken highlyof by users for its corrosion resistance and durability. Mainly adopting suchmaterials as GFRPP and PVDF, it's available for transporting many kinds ofcorrosive liquids. Due to its compact structure, the MP(MD), MP(MD)-F series isvery applicable for liquid circulation in photo developing, electroplating equipmentand PCB equipment.磁力泵规格齐全 Complete SpecificationsMP(MD)、MP(MD)-F系列泵的.大流量由每分钟5升220升,有软管接口和螺纹接口选择,80ZMD-20FL输送KI磁力泵 65ZMD-32F异戊醛变频磁力泵适用于酸碱类的液体输送,按液体比重而选择不同的叶轮,可输送多种高比重液体而不致超负载(磁力驱动泵选型报价可电:132.96Ol.7088。02l-335l0177。您也可.电:40O/001/5655。. )。The MP(MD), MP(MD)-F series pump's maximum flow is up to 220L/min from5L/min. With such options as hose and thread connections, it's applicable fortransporting acid and alkali liquids. Different impellers can be selected, subjectto specific gravity of liquids, to transport many kinds of liquids with high specificgravity without overload.磁力泵工作原理 Working Principle80ZMD-20FL输送KI磁力泵 65ZMD-32F异戊醛变频磁力泵是被一对连在叶轮和电机轴上的磁铁驱动的。在结构上不像传统离心泵,无轴封。泵腔被后壳隔开,电机带主动磁旋转。主动磁和被动磁的耦合力矩带动叶轮旋转,从而实现液体输送。The MP(MD), MP(MD)-F series magnetic pump is driven by a pair of magnetsconnected on impeller and motor shaft. Unlike the traditional centrifugal pump,it's glandless for its structure. Its chamber is separated by the rear casing. Itsmotor is provided with active magnetic rotation. The active and passivemagnetic coupling torque drives the impeller to rotate, thus achieving theliquid transportation。 .