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详细信息 基本参数: 主要外形尺寸 Dimensions 名 称(Description) 机 型(Model) XZ636-Ⅰ 车长(斗平放地面) Overall length(bucket on the ground) 6890±30mm 车宽(车轮外侧) Overall width(outside of the wheels) 2250±20mm 车高 Overall height 3310±20mm 斗宽 Bucket width 2360±20mm 轴距 Wheel base 2785±10mm 轮距 Wheel track 1800±10mm *小离地间隙 Min. ground clearance 380±10mm *大卸载高度 Max. dumping height 2875±20mm *大高度的卸载距离 Dumping distance at the highest position 975±15mm 性能 Performance 标准斗容量 Standard bucket capacity 1.7m3 (装卸比重<1.4t/m3的轻散物料,可选配2.0m3加大斗) 整机质量 Operating weight 10.0±0.5t 额定载荷 Rated load 3.0t 爬坡度 Climbing gradient ≥28° 掘起力 Breakout force ≥120.6kN 牵引力 Traction force ≥88.5kN 车速 Travel speed 前进 Forward Ⅰ档 Forward gear Ⅰ 10.6km/h Ⅱ档 Forward gear Ⅱ 39.5km/h 后退 Reverse Ⅰ档 Reverse gear Ⅰ 14.5km/h 工作系统动作时间 Actuation time for working system 提升 Raise 卸载 Dump 下降(空斗) Lower(empty bucket) 三项和 Total 5.6s 1.1s 3.1s 9.8s |